You've Been Gnomed

I have a story to tell you from the old days of the internet. Something that has left me shaken and depressed since it happened to me. It all started when one of my friends on AIM sent me a link to what I thought was free game demos. But when I clicked the link, I got this instead:
Needless to say, I was shocked. Not only was the creature for me not a gnelf or a gnoblin, he was also not free game demos. I couldn't believe I had been tricked like this. But I wasn't creeped out (Or at least, I tried not to be), so I just shook it off and continued searching for free game demos.
Anyway, a while later, I came across the shareware version of Quake. I downloaded it and installed it onto my computer. If you don't know of it, the shareware version of Quake only has the first of the game's four episodes accessible, with doors blocking off the path to the other three. I played the first episode and it was really fun; back then Quake was the best game ever. But when I got to the boss of that episode, a guhnome popped out and said "You've Been Gnomed!" It was the exact same gnome from the video! I couldn't believe it. Now I was a little scared, but I decided to keep looking for free game demos.
That night in my dreams, I kept seeing visions of a guhnome who was not a gnelf or a gnoblin telling me that I'd been gnomed. I woke up and there was hyper-realistic blood EVERYWHERE and a note that said "You've Been Gnomed!" Needless to say, I was really scared, so I ran out of my house to the nearest hotel. As I was walking through the door, I couldn't help but think that the garden gnome outside was looking at me strangely. But I shrugged it off.
I walked into my hotel room, and when I closed the door, the lights started flickering and swinging around. I didn't care though, so I tried to go back to sleep - but the gnome nightmares had followed me. I slept all night like that, waking up terrified, eventually getting back to sleep and waking up after a few seconds of the gnome's face. When it was finally morning again, there was writing on the ceiling in hyper-realistic blood.
"If You WaNT The NiGHtMaRES tO StOp, ShArE The GNOmE VIdEo WITh YOuR FRIeNDs"
So that's what I've done. I've written this pasta to try to get more people to see the You've Been Gnomed video. Hopefully now, the nightmares will stop.